
  • artsvarc

    🙁    🙂  Glad you are able to help.  I’m in tears just thinking of having to do that.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by artsvarc.

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    I think I may have to get one of those 🙂

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    Wow!  Three weeks?  Glad it came up with no trouble!!

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.



    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    Morning coffee…. being outdoors is a close second!

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    “Lol. I keep typing it wrong! Maybe someday I get used to weimanamanama”

    LOL.  Now that I read this crazy name all the time, I could not remember how to spell Weimaraner the correct way yesterday!

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by artsvarc.

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    Thanks guys.  We went to the dog park yesterday.  There were about 6 large size dogs and he was happy and playful as always!!  NO issues 🙂  But, that does not explain why he acted that way when he was boarded.

    Yesterday, I took a tour of a new place for daycare/boarding.  I never realized how dirty the usual place was :/  Cody takes his tour today.  At the previous place, daycare is 10 or so dogs, in a walled area, one employee, no toys, nothing to do.  This new place is 4 dogs per employee, teeter totter, blocks, tunnel, toys, toys, toys and most importantly lots of human interaction.

    One great thing with this new place, there is a training office next door and they work hand in hand.  I’m talking with them today and starting some private training.  Also, I have the option of while he is boarded for a couple of days, he can work with a trainer.

    So,, I’m hoping that the boarding incident had to to with boredom, lack of stimulation and supervision.  Hopefully this new place is just the ticket 🙂  (He goes this weekend for two nights)

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    The vet showed me this trick recently.  It does help but Cody still pulls so hard it starts to pinch.  You would think he would stop 🙁

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    Ugh, We went through this too.  There was a time where all of my shirts had holes, my arms were bruised and scratched and when we went on walks, cody would just turn on me.  I tried to ignore the behavior but there is only so much you can do when you are getting attacked.  Turning away only resulted in being bitten in the butt!  I would end up grabbing his collar, pinning him to the ground, sternly saying no and he eventually outgrew it.    One thing I started doing at the time was carrying a small spray bottle with me.  When he started attacking me, he would get a spray in the face.  It helped.

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    He ran through it.  Cody was outside.  My youngest let him in, my oldest ran out and my youngest closed the screen.  Cody turned right back around to chase my oldest out the door just in time for it to close and went through it.  We all stood there in shock, including Cody, then all started laughing.  I took a look at it today, thinking it had ripped.  I was able to fix it!  Glad my dad taught me to be handy 😉

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    Cody is the king of sock eating.  It took 7 days once.  I was freaked that it was stuck, but it came out.  He went to daycare one day, he pooped a sock and they even kept it for me!!  No thanks.

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    Welcome from Iowa!

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.



    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    Welcome from Iowa!

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    OY!  That sounds like it would hurt.  We have not experienced that.  Hopefully the vet can give you some info.


    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.

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