Sudden Agression towards dogs

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Sudden Agression towards dogs

  • artsvarc

    Cody just turned one in April.  In the past two weeks, all of a sudden he is having aggression towards other dogs.   Cody is boarded on average of one night a month and goes to daycare on average, two days a month.  He has always loved going to daycare and comes home one happy, exhausted dog.  This is the same place he went to puppy training and it’s all the same employees and he is very familiar.  The dog park is a place we have been frequenting (besides during the crazy polar vortex) since last summer.  (Everyone we have ever met here, dogs and people have always been very courteous and watch their dogs)

    Last weekend we went out of town and Cody was boarded for 4 nights, daycare 3 full days and a half day.  I went to pick him up and was told that he was “horrible, vicious attacks on other dogs and was put in time out”.  He was in time out when I went to get him.  The employee (Cody’s favorite) and I thought this was strange behavior since it has never happened before.

    Today I took him to the dog park and after about 5 minutes, someone showed up with a German Shephard.  Of course Cody charged to the other side of the field to say hello like usual, and instead he ran/jumped/bit and I heard growling/yelping.  I called him back and he came.  I was not sure what dog was doing what.  A few minutes later he ran across the field again and the same reaction.  The woman started screaming at me  and it was then that I realized that it was Cody being the aggressor.  She left with her dog and proceeded to tell everyone else coming in that I had an aggressive dog,  not to enter.  4 people stood out the gate until I left.

    I just want to cry.  I am already very limited on the time I can spend away from home since Cody has intense separation anxiety.  Just leaving to grocery shop stresses me out because I know the dog is flipping out.  (I stay at home with my  son so Cody is always home with me)  I try to get him to the dog park before putting him in the crate and daycare is definitely needed sometimes just so I can get things done.  If he does not have these outlets, I don’t know what I”m going to do.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?  It is strange for this behavior to come from nowhere?

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    Well. I can make up a long story to make you feel better, but I think you’ve been around long enough to know what’s up. You just need someone to say it out loud.

    The aggression and separation anxiety are related behaviours. You need some professional training with a behaviouralist that can observe this happening in person. No amount of well intentioned advice on the internet is going to solve this. This is around the exact same age that many Weimaraner owners (present company included) start exhibiting this behaviour, and the longer you let this persist the worse it is going to get. Trust me when I say I tell you this out of experience.  Welcome to the club, sorry.

    Forever Weimanamanama

    Tina in Holland

    I agree with Bas. Sometimes things are just too complicated to fix yourself. Don’t be ashamed to get some prof help. You will learn a lot from it for future use!


    Thanks guys.  We went to the dog park yesterday.  There were about 6 large size dogs and he was happy and playful as always!!  NO issues 🙂  But, that does not explain why he acted that way when he was boarded.

    Yesterday, I took a tour of a new place for daycare/boarding.  I never realized how dirty the usual place was :/  Cody takes his tour today.  At the previous place, daycare is 10 or so dogs, in a walled area, one employee, no toys, nothing to do.  This new place is 4 dogs per employee, teeter totter, blocks, tunnel, toys, toys, toys and most importantly lots of human interaction.

    One great thing with this new place, there is a training office next door and they work hand in hand.  I’m talking with them today and starting some private training.  Also, I have the option of while he is boarded for a couple of days, he can work with a trainer.

    So,, I’m hoping that the boarding incident had to to with boredom, lack of stimulation and supervision.  Hopefully this new place is just the ticket 🙂  (He goes this weekend for two nights)

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.

    Tina in Holland

    Sounds like you will be making some great new steps! It’s so worth all the effort. Maybe it was boredom or frustration. Maybe not feeling well. Keep us updated!


    It’s also very helpful that you now have some professionals to observe him and let you know if anything is out of the ordinary.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    It looks like you are taking great steps in the right direction!

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