
  • Bonita

    hey I’ve been checking in but no one is ever on.My girl is sure growing up 21 mths now.I’ll post some cute halloween pictures


    Hey all…Busy summer indeed.I’ve checked in a few times but no one is ever on..We ‘ve had a few things going on with our girl & was looking for advice.She has had a limp for some time now front leg..We’ve had her checked out & it was suspected OCD in shoulder…The otho Doc has been on vacation so they wanted to wait for her to xray..That was 3 weeks ago..Since she is much better & limp is almost unnoticable..Were not sure now to hold off on the 550.00 xray..I had posted on weim addict about OCD but no one seemed to know what is was..Does anyone here have any experience with this…I have read tons about it but would like to chat if anyone is around..


    Wow !! Gorgeous  !!



    Lol…That’s him…She still loves to carry him around but not much left to poor bunny……..


    Thanks … My camera puts in a lot of miles…I love taking pictures….Friday night I was the photographer for [Relay For Life] in our area..I was honoured to be ask… & pleasure to help for a great cause……

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Bonita.

    Thanks … My camera puts in a lot of miles…I love taking pictures….Friday night I was the photographer for [Relay For Life] in our area..I was honoured to be ask…& pleasure to help for a great cause……

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Bonita.

    Yes she  swims Bas G  but not like our GSP… she prefers the shallow water…The pond is right behind our house so were back there everyday…Funny a few days ago I threw a stick in the pond for her & she’s run in full tilt then back out so excited.. finally it drifted close enough & she only had to swim a couple strokes ..but she sure seemed proud of herself


    Oh my gosh & I thought Skler was the only one to do this….She runs to eat our other dogs poop & believe me the same as Athena – Mya,,lots of time it never hits the ground..looks ridiculously funny her” poop fountain ”but totally gross… Out trainer said it is completly natural in the wild for the wolf etc to eat the more dominate wolves poop & many dogs do this as well..I think she just likes the taste,,She also said to try feeding pieces of bananas throughout the day..


    interesting ..after all this this time..I have been super busy lately so haven’t spent any time visting this site but hope it keeps up & running…….


    We had the same on our girl..I like to use all natural products so I have tried a mixture of tree tea oil & water in a small spray bottle…It does help keep some of those nasty buggers away but have to spray often..

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Bonita.

    Happy 1st birthday sweet girl  !!


    Thanks guys…Carly is better today.She ate ,went on our walks & played some with Skyler..Vestibular diease or syndrome is is vertigo just like us humans can get.It affects the body’s balance systems…It can be caused by a number of things but most common reason is problems with the inner ear ..Symptoms include dizziness  causing loss of balance so my girl can’t get her balance to stand, as everything is spinning,abnormal eye movement caused by them trying to focus,nausea & or vomiting,stumbling ,falling & head tilt…Most dogs improve quickly,,It can look pretty dramatic especially the first time it happens.. & First time it happened with her we rushed to the vet , & sure she was having a stroke.Also every time she has an attack she loses more hearing…..It is a worry she is 13.5 yrs old..& such a beautiful girl -it breaks my heart.


    So sad…When we lost our Weim Lola last yr our GSP Carly then 12 yrs was lost,hardly eating etc….She missed her so much ,as we did, she was truly grieving…I believe even though yours were not real close it’s the routine & companionship that’s lost & this affects them so much..We decided to add another friend soon after …That is our Weim Skyler ..The change in Carly was could see the light in her eyes …the instant bond between our girls has helped us through our grieve as well..My thoughts are with you Amos..

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Bonita.

    Thank you that is very kind Mya…I have a brother in Guelph but it would be great to have someone familiar with the breed check out a dog for us…

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