Vestibular Syndrome

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Vestibular Syndrome

  • Bonita

    It has been an eventful past week with our 2 girls.Skyler was spayed & our gsp age 13 had another vestibular attack[vertigo]…This is the 5th one– 4  since Christmas..Her first attack was last July..She recovers quickly within an hour or so she’s back up & around..& within 24 hours back to her silly playful self..This last attack happened Thursday early hours of the morning 5 am which is typical & again up & around within a short time, but she still is not that interested in eating..We are taking her to the vet this coming week & will get her ears checked again for inner ear infection…A bit concerned even though she has bounced back every other time..Anyone have experience with this & have any thoughts……..

    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Bonita.

    I don’t have any experience with this.  How is she doing?

    -Steph & Jaeger


    Ah poor baby. I also don’t have any experience with this.

    Tina in Holland

    Sorry, haven’t have that happen. Can you explain a little more what it is?


    Sorry, I wish I could help!  How is she doing?


    Thanks guys…Carly is better today.She ate ,went on our walks & played some with Skyler..Vestibular diease or syndrome is is vertigo just like us humans can get.It affects the body’s balance systems…It can be caused by a number of things but most common reason is problems with the inner ear ..Symptoms include dizziness  causing loss of balance so my girl can’t get her balance to stand, as everything is spinning,abnormal eye movement caused by them trying to focus,nausea & or vomiting,stumbling ,falling & head tilt…Most dogs improve quickly,,It can look pretty dramatic especially the first time it happens.. & First time it happened with her we rushed to the vet , & sure she was having a stroke.Also every time she has an attack she loses more hearing…..It is a worry she is 13.5 yrs old..& such a beautiful girl -it breaks my heart.


    That sounds awful, I hope there’s something they can do that isn’t too intrusive for the old lady.

    Forever Weimanamanama

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