Amos is down….

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Amos is down….

  • Tina in Holland

    I didn’t think losing Seamud would affect Amos that much, but he is clearly a bit off. We let him see Seamus after he had died so that he would understand, so that can’t be it. Maybe Amos is picking up on my grief? But I have actually not been sitting around crying but trying to just get things done and be normal around the house. We have been giving Amos enough ( a little more than usual) excersise. I sometimes feel like he’s giving me the stink eye for no reason. Am I over reacting? What should we be doing?


    Dogs know…

    Maybe it is me but I believe dogs grieve the departure of their friends too. Maybe it is nothing you are doing, maybe he misses his friend Seamus and he needs time (and cuddles of course) too.

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama


    I think pets are smarter than we give them credit for. I had 2 cats that were inseparable. When one died too early, the other was never quite the same. Still isn’t.  My parents had 2 labs. One of them died at 13 last summer. The other one is 11, and is depressed and lonely a lot now. Having people around always seems to cheer him up. So I suggest inviting some friends.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    I’m sure that Amos is missing Seamus and he doesn’t have the opportunity to do other things to occupy his mind like you do.  Love on him a little more.  Thinking of your whole family.


    I am not the biggest Cesar Milan fan, but I found something about grieving dogs on his website that makes sense. See it here

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama


    I’m so sorry for your loss. Clark (my parent’s lab) passed away shortly after I moved back home. Diesel was in terrible shape. Not eating, sleeping a lot, etc. Honestly, I think Levi helped pulled Diesel out of it. I’m not sure how you feel about getting another dog after losing such a dear family member. But dogs often help other dogs. Even if you didn’t get another dog, but brought a friend’s dog around to play and be a companion that might help lift his spirits.


    No advice, Tina, but passing along some big hugs!

    Kinsey and Ziggie


    Poor Amos 🙁  When my first Weim died, my first GSP Tillie was very down.  She was usually a girl who never stopped moving, but she just laid down on the sofa with her head on a pillow and didn’t move for about a day.  After that, she stuck very close to me and was needy which was unusual for her.  It took several months, if I remember correctly, for her to get back to normal.  I’m certain that Amos is grieving.  He may not know what to do without Seamus around.  I do agree that some play time with other dogs would probably help.  Hugs to you both!


    How’s Mo doing now?

    Forever Weimanamanama

    Tina in Holland

    Thanks all for the kind replies and advice. Amos is getting a bit better, but is not just back to his old self. I’m sure it will get better, but he does really miss Seamus (as we do). Even though they weren’t super close like I see a lot of pics of other dogs laying all over each other, I guess Amos did find comfort in his dog buddy. I went out to the woods this afternoon with step mom and their JRT. But Amos doesn’t really pay attention to other dogs or play with them. I am sure we will all be able to move on at our own pace.


    so sad 🙁

    Forever Weimanamanama


    Poor Amos. I hope he gets back to his old self soon.

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama


    So sad…When we lost our Weim Lola last yr our GSP Carly then 12 yrs was lost,hardly eating etc….She missed her so much ,as we did, she was truly grieving…I believe even though yours were not real close it’s the routine & companionship that’s lost & this affects them so much..We decided to add another friend soon after …That is our Weim Skyler ..The change in Carly was could see the light in her eyes …the instant bond between our girls has helped us through our grieve as well..My thoughts are with you Amos..

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Bonita.
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