Dog Backpacks

  • This topic has 22 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by BasG.

Dog Backpacks

  • BasG

    Wow, he’s fully decked out!

    Forever Weimanamanama

    Tina in Holland

    We have a Julius K9 harnass for Amos (he can’t wear a collar). It has velco on the side which you can attach pouches to. He seems to get pretty thirsty on walks and to keep him from drinking in every yucky puddle we take water if we’re going more than 45 minutes. We actually invested in really good (small) backpacks for the humans. I actually find the backpack very comfortable and also use it if we go for example to a museum (handbag makes my back hurt after a while).

    I was wondering…all of you that use the backpacks on your dogs, do you notice that they get tired more quickly carrying extra weight? I know Ceasar advises backpacks for dogs who need a little more excersize than they get.


    Odin does get more tired. We run with it and he carries water for us both.

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama


    @katie how is the backpack?

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama


    Check out and the Summit pack.  The chest plate makes for a snug fit on my weim.  The storage capacity on the ruffware packs is alittle larger but I have yet to need to leave anything behind.





    Sorry it took so long to respond! We have been traveling and i’m just getting time to catch up with the forum. We LOVE the backpack so far! We got the ruffwear approach pack and the only thing that isn’t perfect about it so far is that it sometimes loosens up as she runs around on our hikes. But that is probably just user error. I’m sure there is a more secure way to lock the strap length down, I just have to figure it out! But it has really worked great for both on leash and off leash and she doesn’t mind it a bit. I swear she could run forever, but this definitely helps tire her out more. I wasn’t looking at it as a tool to help me exercise her less, but rather as something that will tire her out even more on her runs. I also wanted it for practical reasons, like carrying water, since our runs are typically quite long, and it has been great! I definitely recommend it!


    We got ours from RuffWear and it came with 2 water pouches. You can fit much on it once the pouches are filled but its great for adding weight. Fits tight and if can keep one pouch out and put some snacks.

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    If the loop gets in the way, put a safety pin through it, and cover it up with a tubular elastic webbing. You can get it at any crafts store.


    Forever Weimanamanama

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