Kennel Cough :(

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Kennel Cough :(

  • Allison

    MyLo was quarantined for 10 days at our vet because of biting someone. (That person was trespassing in our backyard). We brought him home Tuesday and he is sure happy to be home. But now he has kennel cough 🙁 Poor thing can’t catch a break! I was up almost all night with him coughing! Dr. gave him a shot and also prescribed him some antibiotics.

    Has anyone else experienced Kennel Cough and if so, how long can I expect it to last?


    Both of mine had it. The worst symptoms only last a few days. If he’s hacking up the white goop, that should go away in 2 or 3 days. Don’t feel too bad. Dogs get sick sometimes just like humans do. He’ll be fine.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    Did everything else work out with the quarantine? Did you press charges for trespassing? That’s usually a smart thing to do, so if anything ever came of this, you can show his behaviour was provoked. It was 2 kids right?

    Forever Weimanamanama


    Marz has had kennel cough at least 4+ times since I’ve had him. Since he’s so susceptible I now get him the Bordetella shot twice a year as a precaution. He’s a doggy day care dog (goes 2 – 3 times a week) so I do what I can to keep him vaccinated. There’s really not much you can do, it usually goes away by itself, it’s just an inconvenience and it sounds terrible. Hope MyLo feels better soon.


    He is coughing up the white goop :/

    He did OK in quarantine. Was very stressed and scared though 🙁 I didn’t press charges. I do have a trainer coming out to work with MyLo once he is feeling better though.


    I would consult with the police and see what they suggest doing. Altho you might get the “least amount of work” answer.

    He was quarantined for rabies? He was not up to date on his shots or something?

    Forever Weimanamanama


    He was quarantined for a rabies observation. Yes, he was up to date on everything. They said it didn’t matter…they still had to hold him 🙁


    …were they holding the kids? lol

    Forever Weimanamanama


    LMAO! Sorry mam, we need to quarantine your son for ten days and I need you to bring his vaccination record. Please place him in this kennel and you can pick him up in a week and a half.


    Kennel cough is very common apparently. We dealt with it a few times. I felt bad for them but they came out fine.

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama


    He’s doing much better this afternoon and tonight. Maybe that means I’ll get some sleep! Although, we will be having storms, so he will probably be standing over me in the bed shivering! LOL

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