End of our rope…

Home Forums Sport and Obedience Obedience and behaviour End of our rope…

  • This topic has 16 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by BasG.

End of our rope…

  • Hayley Sim

    Yes and Yes. I’ve been working with her inside hooked to me on the leash, keeps her out of trouble while inside. She is starting to act a little more mature and has loved going to dog daycare when I am gone in the afternoons. The only problem now is that the daycare place is certain she is going into heat (looks the same to me as she always has) so she can’t go back for a few weeks. The breeder recommended waiting a heat cycle to spay her so it will be a while till she can play with other dogs.

    I’ve also got her trained to trot along side my bike, which she loves, and we are getting outside more. Thanks everyone again for the advice and support!


    Opinions on when to spay vary greatly. I suggest asking TWO vets (yes, two) what they think, and make sure that they are specific WHY. Don’t get blown off with “well it’s just better blah blah”.

    Some vets have the opinion that it can shunt growth if you spay too early. The other says spaying before the cycle greatly reduces the chance of ovary cancer (which is why we spayed early) I’ve also heard that un-neutered male dogs are more likely to harass females that have been spayed after their first cycle.

    Don’t take this too lightly. Get informed and make the decision that works best for you.

    Forever Weimanamanama

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