Bunny killer…

  • This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Mya.

Bunny killer…

  • Bridget

    When Levi brought in a bird…told myself that he probably found it that way. And maybe the squirrel the month after…

    Well, last week he came in with a decapitated bunny. So glad I don’t have a dog door. He was very intent on bringing it in. Also, very upset when I didn’t like my “gift”. Because I never see it happen, I can never correct it. And my mom isn’t quite convinced that he isn’t just finding them this way. But I disagree. (And secretly, I’m a tad bit impressed that he was fast enough to catch a bunny.)

    The rest of the day, I had a dog from hell. He was being super dominate to Diesel. Humping him, picking fights, etc. He would not listen to the simplest of commands from me. (Where did my obedient dog go??) He even barked at me once which in my house is the earth will open and swallow you whole type behavior. The next day, I had my Levi back! I had to just assume it was the taste of the kill? But I was not impressed.

    Has anything like this happened to you? I’m just not sure how to handle it. I know he has hunting in his blood, but I was still shocked. Levi is a big baby. A hide behind mom type of dog. The idea of him killing something just seems uncharacteristic.



    Well. They _are_ a hunting breed with a super strong prey drive. Myself, and with me probably many others know exactly what you are going through.

    Both my Weims have won several obedience competitions, but when they get the scent, you can yell at the top of your lungs, but nothing will get their attention. This is actually something we will be working on this summer, after Athena was gone for about 5 minutes chasing after a squirrel. We’re going to do recall and fetch practice with a hunting dummy.

    Rabbits seem to have been able to evade them so far, but on a hike they bring back some stuff. Even in the back yard I find birds, squirrels, and chipmunks. I’m convinced that it’s not all on the cats we have.

    Last summer I was at a public dog park and Athena suddenly booked it. We all know Weims are fast, but you haven’t seen them chase until they are after prey. At the far side of the park she leaped up and snatched a gull right from the air that was trying to get away. She had killed it before I managed to cross the park, and she was taunting me with it, ripping  piece off for me to pick up after her and running away again.The other people were horrified, and the park cleared out in an instant.

    Took me a while to get all the pieces. And a whole roll of poop bags. It was awful and embarrassing.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    I knew Levi liked to chase things. He’s chased cats, squirrels, and rabbits. I’ve caught him a few times going after a squirrel and he did come back when called but wasn’t  happy about it. But that’s all I thought it was, just chasing. In California we lived in a duplex and the neighbor had bunnies. He would sneak under the porch all the time to play with their dog but never bothered the bunnies.

    It worries me sometimes how he stalks the cat because I wonder if they were left alone would Levi actually hurt him. Right now if the cat is in the room, Levi is a few feet away watching him. We broke the chasing and nipping (finally!) but he’ll corner him and nudge him roughly with his nose until we intervene and break it up.

    Robin Bjerken

    My 4 yo weim Pete killed a rabbit in our fenced in area early in the morning this winter. Molly and him both went out together so the only thing I can think of is that they cornered it because they are usually way to fast for the dogs. But it was freezing outside and me still in my pajamas could not get him to leave it, he wanted to bring it in the house so bad, he was so proud. Life with a weim is never dull!


    Yeah, it’s always in our backyard! I’ll wonder why they haven’t come up yet, and I’ll go look. Both the boys will be huddled around something. And Levi is always so proud to give me his prize. He looks so offended when throw it away!


    As well as 2 Weims, we also have 3 cats. Our girl has been around them since she was 9wks old, but our boy was almost a year when we got them. It’s a bit scary sometimes. Usually they just stalk them, and the cats can jump up on the couch with them no problem. Sometimes they lick them. The cats don’t like that heheh.

    But if the cats flee, the game is on! And that caused problems here and there. One of the dogs misstepped on the stairs and fell. One of the cats missed a jump and hit her face on the dining room table, leading to an ER vet trip with a bloody nose a cut and a concussion. One of the cats got cornered once which almost led to a fight. (Cat won)

    Forever Weimanamanama


    I kind of wish my parent’s cat (Snuggles) had his front claws. Levi used to mess with the parrot, but after a few good bites on the nose and one on the tongue (ouch!), he’s given up. But the cat can’t give such lessons. He had never met a cat before we moved home. I kind of can’t wait to move out because 90% of what he gets in trouble for is because of the cat.


    Yes, BasG did not clarify that our cats have all claws intact.

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama

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