Biting other dogs, please help.

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Biting other dogs, please help.

  • Steven

    Nymeria is 6 months old. She has always been around other dogs, from the moment she was born to the moment I brought her home. How ever she bites the other dogs and I fear its a little more then playing. When my lab, Porter, is running after the ball Nymeria will run after him and bite his ears, often pulling on them while he tries to run off. He whimpers and I can hear it from across the yard. If she cant get his ear she will go for his mid section or his hind leg, again she bites and pulls, he yelps. I have never seen this behavior before in any dog and Id like to stop her doing this. If Porter is walking through the house Ny will reach down and pull his hind leg in what seems like an effort to trip him.


    I love her, shes a good girl, Ive socialized her around other dogs, but I know this can cause problems and I would like to fix it.


    Dogs learn by practice. If they don’t have other dogs telling them how far they can go, and put them in their place, they will never learn. Humans just cannot completely replace other dogs in that circle.


    Personally I have always played rough with my dogs, and yelped and cried out when they went a bit too far. That seems to have helped. But still, it took a couple of playgroups and some older dogs “telling them off” in a less than gentle way, to really have it sink in.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    Adult dogs are typically pretty good at self regulating play.  In general, biting is very normal during play and weims are an especially mouthy breed.  Get her playing with other dogs.  If she is being too mouthy they will correct her if your lab isn’t.

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