Amos gone MIA

  • This topic has 7 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Mya.

Amos gone MIA

  • Tina in Holland

    This is the first time this has ever happend to me…I think I aged 10 years this afternoon.

    I was on our afternoon walk with Amos in the woods close to our house. I had thrown a stick and he went after it, and I kept walking. He absolutely just disappeared. Happens sometimes, stood where I was and whistled, after a few minutes I thought O Crap! I really don’t know where he is.

    I started walking around a bit and whistling for him, but I didn’t want to go far from where I had last seen him. I came across a mountain biker, nope, not seen a dog. After 20 minutes!!!!! the mountain biker called my cell phone, Amos was a few hundred yards away eating a big dead bird. Thank goodness!


    Oh my heavens!  I would’ve been having a heart attack!  So glad you found him.  That’s why my dogs wear GPS collars when they’re out.  They’re pricy but so worth the peace of mind.


    I had this happen once.  You never really think of them going to far because they are such Velcro dogs.  But when they do, man is it scary and your heart skips a beat!  I’m sure once he finished the bird he would have realized that “Oh crap, where did she go?!” and start wondering back.  Weims…they get so focused sometimes!

    -Steph & Jaeger


    Pfff i would have been scared too…my girls never go out of sight, would go crazy lol.


    Mine never really wander out of visual range either. But Athena was absolutely gone a few weeks back when she saw a squirrel.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    This same thing happened to me once.  It was so scary!  Glad you found him and I hope that he didn’t have any tummy issues from the bird.

    Kinsey and Ziggie


    When mine scent something, or see an animal in the woods, they are off and it is hard to get them to leave it.  I understand the fear you had.


    That is just terrifying!!!!

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama

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