A little crying every now & then never hurt nobody

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A little crying every now & then never hurt nobody

  • Waylon

    Well as someone on the old website suggested a book I apologize in advanced don’t remember who exactly suggested “the art of racing in the rain” I decided to get it for our trip an literaly read it the entire drive home (8hrs) an it was good really touched me, cried an was heartbroken bittersweet at the end just as we were pulling into or drive way! Thanks for the suggestion whom ever it was an y’all should try it too:)

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    Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one, is a life diminished.
    - Dean Knootz

    Tina in Holland

    I also read that when I someone suggested it on WA. I read it in one sitting on a plane trip to US. The end made me go into the “ugly cry” and people were just looking at me….like what is her problem? Great book!

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